ezines - BYG Systems
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Still enjoy the odd magazine with a coffee? We do too, so much so that we thought it would be a great idea to create eZines (interactive magazines) for your learners.

Something different

Exploratory, engaging and a little less ‘formal’ than some other learning tools: we think eZines are a great way of getting your learners up to speed in a way that feels a bit more relaxed than traditional e-learning.

Make learning more fun with high-end illustrations and storylines whilst you flick through the pages.

Why not take your eZines one step further? You can even add video and other media assets, creating an exciting and engaging all-rounder that appeals to the modern masses.

Digital marketing

Packed with personality

With the spirit of print in mind, learners can flick through eZines front to back, up, down, or side to side if they so wish, giving them full control of their experience in their own time.

You can tell a lot about a person by the dusty books residing on their shelves, and we take the same approach with our eZines. Packed full of personality, eZines are a great way to play around with branding and design to create something truly special, whatever your style.

Best used for people, communication, management and soft skills, eZines might be the right solution for you. Why not get in touch to discuss your options?