digital communications - BYG Systems
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Digital communications

Picture this: you’ve poured time, effort and money in to creating a brilliant learning solution. But none of your staff know about it. A decent digital communications campaign could be the thing standing between success and your hard work getting lost in the depths of the LMS archive.

Email campaigns

What’s the solution? A sophisticated, engaging and exciting branded e-mail campaign to spread the word. However much technology changes, we all communicate most frequently through e-mail in the workplace, wherever we are in the world.

Which got us thinking: why not make more use of e-mail, promoting learning solutions to generate and maintain awareness and engagement?

We’ve been writing and designing e-mail digital communications campaigns for our clients for some time now, generating excitement within a workforce before, during and after the launch of learning initiatives.

email campaigns


Our combination of excellent technical talent and creativity means that we’re great at producing interactive and intuitive websites for your learning needs. Websites are an important digital communications tool, utilising news feeds and alerts to let learners know what’s coming up as well as providing a well-known place to access information.

A good digital communications campaign is highly personal, and a carefully designed website is a great platform to ensure your voice is heard in the way you want it to be.

Working closely with our clients, we enjoy producing bespoke intranet and internet pages so that you can hold everything you’ll need for your learning campaign in one place. Add to your materials in the future, access them from anywhere and satisfy the need for on demand learning.