mobile e-learning - BYG Systems
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Mobile e-learning

On the go, on demand.

Can you remember the last time you didn’t have your mobile phone to hand?

Mobile e-learning is a flexible, modern and useful way of providing training to large audiences, giving learners the freedom to up skill when they want, where they want.

With a great deal of experience creating bespoke apps and mobile e-learning solutions, we’re able to provide learners with access to information at their fingertips. We have a wealth of tricks and tips for what works best on mobile, and with the world heading where it is heading, we’re expecting to see a greater need for mobile e-learning in the coming years.

Why not get ahead of the game? Chat to us about a mobile e-learning solution today and let us get your content into your learners’ pockets. Online or offline, mobile e-learning is one way to give your learners what they need in a format they want, wherever they want it.

responsive design

Authoring tools

Authoring tools are the bits of technology that allow us to develop and test the learning we make, and we’ve been creating them as well as using them for a very long time. We use industry-standard authoring tools such as Lectora and Storyline for clients who require such, and for those who don’t have a preference, we use our own authoring environment.

We’ve created a courseware development environment to produce your e-learning, giving us full control to develop products efficiently and robustly. With your contributions and reviews, we can quickly and easily make the changes you want. With no ‘lock in’, we can easily output industry standard code.

For mobile e-learning, we use specific authoring tools that are built with mobile optimisation in mind, and because mobile e-learning is on the rise, these tools are growing and changing almost as fast as mobile technology itself. We love keeping our clients up to date with what’s new, so you can bet that our mobile e-learning reflects the latest and greatest the industry has to offer from design, authoring, development to delivery.

Responsive design

Not all learning is created equal…

‘Mobile e-learning’ doesn’t mean we are restricted to using our phones (yes, we can put those down, who knew?!). Our training materials are flexible resources. Need your solution to display well on android and IOS? No problem. Need it to function on a company-issued tablet? Sure thing.

With a history in producing specialist technology and software, we’ve got a great handle on responsive design. We know that modern learners are a tech-savvy bunch, so we understand our clients’ need for technically robust solutions which work on many devices.

Responsive design ensures our mobile e-learning is as flexible and useful as possible; reaching more devices means reaching more learners.
